Additional Empower Resources

SelfMade Health Network is dedicated to facilitating change in our communities as well as on a national scale. Part of fulfilling this goal is to ensure that our community members have the right tools that allow them to positively impact the health of their neighbors. The tools below are geared towards empowering our members and mission-aligned practitioners working in their local regions.

American Lung Cancer Screening Initiative: Leaders for Lung Cancer Screening
Mayor Chris Bollwage (Elizabeth, New Jersey)

Cancer Survivorship E-Learning Series for Primary Care Providers
80% by 2018
Interactive Health Map
State Cancer Profiles
Rural Health Information Hub
Community Disaster Resiliency and Recovery Resources: Vulnerable Populations
Leading Health Indicators 2030: Advancing Health, Equity and Well-Being
Health Equity: Exploring Opportunities to Reduce Tobacco-Related Cancers Across Sectors, Environments, and Communities in Missouri Webinar
Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity
Tobacco Control Enforcement for Racial Equity
National Lung cancer roundtable state based initiative planning tool
County health rankings and roadmaps-action learning guide: understand and identify root causes of inequities
united states cancer statistics (uscs)
toolkit for everyone aligning and measuring (team)