Additional Educate Resources

The resources on this page assist members and interested parties with tools that help build a robust knowledge base.

Screen for Your Life: Father
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This video tells the story of a man who is making the choice to put his health and family first, and is encouraging everyone 45 years or older to get screened for colorectal cancer.

Health Literacy Activities by State

Hosted by the CDC, this page includes state and local collaborations and academic, government and non-profit organizations with a health literacy focus.

Low levels of literacy adversely impacts cancer incidence and outcomes such as: cancer mortality, and quality of life (QOL).
Reference: National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM)

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)-Health Literacy Resources and Impact Case Studies

STATE System Interactive Maps

Hosted by the CDC, the STATE System Interactive Maps cover current and historical state-level data on tobacco use prevention and control, including tax rates, preemption and smokefree legislation.

State Cancer Profiles (National Cancer Institute-NCI)

America’s Health Rankings (United Health Foundation)

From Coverage to Care 

Developed by CMS, this national initiative assists patients, clients, employees, and caregivers as well as professionals and community organizations, to understand health coverage information and navigate primary care and preventive services.

Hosted by HHS, this website offers a searchable table of contents to connect users with a breadth of health topics, including recommended preventive care services.

STATE System Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Treatments Fact Sheet
Information about Medicaid coverage of cessation treatments is displayed in the form of a map and corresponding table. Specific tobacco cessation treatment requirements relative to Medicaid coverage are also outlined.
Tobacco Cessation Resources (Youth Populations)
As part of the National Youth Tobacco Cessation Workgroup, the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) features a repository consisting of evidence-based resources available to address tobacco product use (including vaping and electronic cigarettes) and improve cessation among youth populations.
big cities health inventory-inequities, 2020 & new city data
“There is a clear need for city-level data to understand and inform a city’s health and ensure that programs are equitable and responsive to a community’s health needs.”

This interactive dashboard features 100,000 data points (including health, socioeconomic, built environment, demographic, social determinants of health metrics) across the country’s largest 35 urban cities. Additional features include a comparison of 100 measures between cities or a cluster of cities.