Cancer Prevention, Screening & Control Programs
There are national programs within public health departments established to address cancers ranging from breast, cervical cancer to colorectal cancer and other types of cancer. These national programs are supported by the CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control and regularly contribute knowledge and expertise to organizations and other partners.
SelfMade Health Network aims to provide support to Cancer Prevention and Control Programs by providing population-relevant resources designed to reduce costs and improve outcomes among populations disproportionately characterized with high cancer incidence, illness and mortality (death) rates.
Tobacco Prevention & Control Programs
In each of the 50 states, Washington DC, and tribal support centers as well as within 8 of the U.S. Territories, there are programs within the health departments to prevent and reduce tobacco use for community members. These programs are supported by the CDC’s Office of Smoking and Health and regularly contribute knowledge and expertise to many private and nonprofit organizations across the United States.
SelfMade Health Network and its members connect and collaborate with these groups to ensure broad distribution of population-relevant resources to improve outcomes among populations with disproportionately high tobacco-use and secondhand smoke exposure.
In an effort to impact additional outcomes nationwide, this page will grow to include content relevant to members of state-based cancer prevention and tobacco prevention control program staff, and their respective partners. Stay Tuned!
Community of Practice Application
Bridging Sectors Application