National and Regional Initiatives
Each community is different. And each area has influences and factors that present unique challenges to its residents. That is why SelfMade Health Network and its members are working within targeted regions to connect residents with the tools they need to improve health.
Historical Regional and National Initiatives
Tackling tobacco and cancer prevention and control efforts among underserved populations is quite an undertaking and requires a concerted effort from a vast cadre of organizations, partners and communities nationwide.

On July 2015, SelfMade Health Network launched its first national project to address tobacco and cancer-related disparities among underserved populations, in partnership with the American Lung Association (ALA). Known as the National SelfMade Health Network Tobacco Cessation Marketplace Project, this national project is a multi-year collaborative project implemented in several states and within a wide array of organizations ranging from health systems, non-profit, community and faith-based organizations as well as local state government.
SelfMade Health Network partners with diverse institutions and organizations to establish regional resource hubs, called Communities of Promise aimed at reducing cancer-related disparities and increasing tobacco-free living environments among underserved and vulnerable populations. These resource hubs are currently focused on reducing disparities associated with lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and improving health via tobacco-free living and working environments. To obtain additional information about how your organization can be participate and additional eligibility requirements, visit the Communities of Promise area below.