Determinants of Health Fact Sheets

SelfMade Health Network is dedicated to facilitating and celebrating change in our communities.

Part of our vision is to support our network members by pulling together data, recommendations and resources specifically to further expand the results-driven approaches making an impact in our communities. Evidence has proven that significant change to lower cancer rates and smoking use can be gained within vulnerable populations by discussing and addressing head-on the known environmental, sociological and financial impairments to health.

This page will be updated to feature SelfMade Health Networkā€™s Determinants of Health Series.  We encourage you to check back often as new sheets are published. 

Lung and Cardiovascular Health Fact Sheets

Healthier Nation Fact Sheet Series

Cancer Screening and Mortality Facts Among Populations with Low SES Fact Sheets

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SMHN Coronavirus Fact Sheets

This SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) Leadership Council joint statement document reflects the importance of ensuring that populations with low socioeconomic status (SES) characteristics diagnosed with cancer and other chronic diseases receive the COVID-19 vaccine as a national priority. This document provides substantial insight and guidance that can be used to support strategic planning, promotional and implementation efforts.

View All Coronavirus Fact Sheets

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Health Equity: Low Socioeconomic Status (SES) Fact Sheets and Community Engagement Plan

The Tennessee Multi-Regional Community Engagement and Outreach Plan is a multi-purpose resource that provides organizations with practical steps, resources and lessons learned from multiple organizations working collaboratively to address breast cancer disparities among African-American women and low-income women residing in rural and metropolitan areas.

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