Featured Resources to Distribute

We strive to establish mechanisms which promote and support resource dissemination, education, evidence-based prevention, and service utilization as well as policy adoption through a system of partners, members and national collaborations. As a Network member or partner, we hope that by sharing these featured resources to audiences within your respective network, additional underserved and vulnerable populations will be reached.

Tracking tools will be provided in the near future to SelfMade Health Network members and partners to assist with monitoring results, impact and experiences throughout the year when utilizing these resources.

Advancing Health Equity: How to Access & Utilize SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) Resources-Part 1

Advancing Health Equity: How to Access & Utilize SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) Resources-Part 2

Public Service Announcements ā€“ Cancer Prevention & Screening

Some common types of cancer continue to affect the livelihood of males and females and remain as the leading cause of cancer mortality rates in the United States. These PSAs are designed to get attention.

Public Service Announcements ā€“ Tobacco Prevention, Screening & Cessation

Tobacco use remains attributable to some of the nationā€™s leading chronic conditions (including some forms of cancer).

SelfMade Health Network Compendium of Resources

More Sharable Items: toolkits

How Your State or Organization Can Support the Cancer Moonshot National Initiative

More Sharable Items: Op-Ed Templates and Infographics

Op-Eds for use by State Government Prevention and Control Programs-NCCPs and NTCPs, county government programs, SelfMade Health Network (SMHN) members and all organizations nationwide

2022 Educational Campaign-National Conversation on Preventing Addiction from Menthol and Other Flavored Tobacco Products In All Communities

Prevention Awareness Graphics for Social Sharing

We are committed to building awareness surrounding prevention and screening for cancer and chronic illness shown to be prevalent in the populations we serve. These images created by SelfMade Health Network are designed to promote action, and are made available for Network members to share through social media and online tools.

Click on these to see a larger version.


Images to Help Build Awareness on Lung Cancer Prevention:

PSA Lung Cancer Awareness-Prevention and Protection      PSA Lung Cancer Awareness-In Working Men      PSA Lung Cancer Awareness-Higher Living Below FPL

Images to Help Build Awareness on Breast Cancer Prevention:

Breast Cancer Working Women    Breast Cancer Families     Breast Cancer Friends